In the remnants of North America, sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen lives in Panem, a dystopian nation lorded over by the aristocratic Capitol and its dictatorial President Snow. Following a failed uprising against the Capitol, each district in Panem is required to provide two 'tributes,' one male and one female, ages 12 to 18, to participiate in a televised fight to the death, known as the Hunger Games.
As the 74th annual Hunger Games approaches, Katniss's worst fear is realized: her young sister Primrose is chosen to represent District 12 in the Games. Volunteering in her sister's place, Katniss must learn to trust her allies — mentor Haymitch Abernathy and fellow tribute Peeta Mellark — in order to survive.
Avox — A servant in the Capitol whose tongue has been surgically removed, making them mute. Avoxes are considered the lowest class in the Capitol.
Career —
Cornucopia —
District —
Escort —
Gamemaker —
Hunger Games —
Mockingjay< —
Muttation —
Panem —
Reaping —
Sponsor —
Stylist —
Tracker Jacker —
Tribute —
Victor —